Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Quotes from the Assault to deep inside the tunnel of the past

Theme: deep inside the tunnel of the past (avoidance) 
  • " I don't know yet. Pilot, perhaps."(45)( what do you want to be?) 
  • " For Anton, who was still too young to absorb the past, each new event erased the preceding one from awareness and buried it in his subconscious." (47)
  • "... as if his tears had washed away his memories." (52)
  • "he had no desire to know" (57) 
  • "...he wanted to say good-bye once and for all- now, immediately." (61)
  • "He only cared about the place, not the people. ... he wanted to run away." (64)
  • "...Now something was expected from him, a question from long ago. His should be the opening move... but he had no desire to begin. " (67)
  • "...they could go to hell with their monument, for all you cared." ( 75) 
  • "With averted face he saw the glass break into large pieces that landed in splinters in the iron lid of the stove.." (93)
  • “deep inside the tunnel of the past” (108)
  • "there is nothing to discuss, really. What happened, ahppend. It doesn't bother me, believe me." (110) 
  • "A victim? of course... yet at the same time, he felt as it had all happened to someone else." (112)  
  • "No idea. Never wondered about it." (117) 
  • “Care, care... It can’t be changed now, even if I understood it” (117)
  • “Not until it ended, and with it every single memory… a blue pillar of smoke…from the ashtray…”(146)
  • " Therefore such a person has his face turned toward void, whereas it is the past behind him that is visible, stored in the memory."/ what do we still have behind us?  (151)
  • "...but he knew if he once began taking tranquilizers he would never top."(156) 
  • " Everyone did what he did, and not anything else." (160) 

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Art of Fiction

Key ideas

- fiction= history
- realism- experiments
- Protestant + Art
- Freedom 
- The story
- Fiction- Sensibility 
- feeling= good art
- narrative/discription: moves story forward 
- Character<-> incident
- freedom of expression
- selection of art
- adventure
- morality 
- life

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Chapter outline

The White Tiger by Aravind Adiga


The first night
-       Introduction of the narrative letter to the Premier Jiabao in Beijing
-       Laxmangrah, Gaya is the village Belram (the white tiger) comes from is very agricultural also describes as “Darkness” BUT Gaya is famous for it’s history: apparently Buddha got his Enlightenment there
-       River Ganga breaker of the chain of birth and rebirth- dirty! Funeral of mother
-       What the Premier of India says, turn it around and you’ll know the truth.
-       Village Paradise: Electricity poles- defunct, water tab- broken, children- too lean and short for their age, and with oversized heads from which vivid eyes shine, like the guilty conscience of the government of India
-       Father a Rickshaw-puller future for Belram
-       Try to find better jobs in Big cities, eg Delhi
-       Introduction of White Tiger, rarest animal in the Jungle, Belram in this jungle
-       Tea Shop: smashing coals. Wiping tables. Bad news for me, you say? Himself a better education
-       Hint to assaults on Mr Ashok

The second night
-       Description of Ashok’s face, belram’s ex-employee, killing him, even though he never told bad about him
-       Death of father, because no medical support in India
-       Kishan, brother, marries moves to Dhanbad, Belram and his cousin follow
o   Works in a tea shop
o   Own education: spying and overhearing costumers
o   Begging for a free driver license
-       Belram gets a job at the Stork
o   Other work, than driving – diver number 2 does other work
o   One activity both do together: buy alcohol at the “English Liquor Shop”
-       Becomes the driver of the Honda City, go to Laxmangrah
o   Visits his family, while his employer has a dinner
o   Gets into an argument with his family- leaves

The fourth morning
-       Belram at school in Laxmangraph: date of birth for elections
-       Man dies because of his revolt against the party
-       Finding out Ram is muslim, Belram becomes driver number 2
-       Mr Ashok and Pinky want to go to Delhi for 3 moths, Mongoose comes a long, Belram drives them

The fourth night
-       Abidance from Belram and his master in Delhi
-       Belram getting lost in Delhi, soon gets into contact with other drivers- help him
-       “MURDER WEEKLY” magazine most drivers read while waiting, vitiligo-lips gives to him
-       Belram drives Mr. Ashok and the Mongoose to the President’s house in the Headquarters, upset about political system in India
-       The mongoose “lost” a rupee, leaves the next day back to Dhanbad
-       Belram becomes more hygienic, due to Pinky Madam
-       One night, Pinky drives drunk, hits a car and Belram is blamed: HAS to sign a document confessing his guilt on the murder of the child

The fifth night
-       Hens being squeeze in Rooster Coops
o   Reference to the social system in India
o   Indians world’s honest people? No. 99.9% of us are caught in the Rooster Coop just like those poor guys in the poultry market.
-       Pinky’s accident had not been reported, Belram doesn’t need to go to jail
-       Pinky leaves to NY
-       Mr. Ashok drinks more and more, relationship: Master-servant
-       Yoga: Belram does it while waiting            
o   The Rooster Coop does its work quite well, servants keep servants from becoming more than just a servant (entrepreneurs, innovators or experimenters)

The sixth morning
-       Belram in the car with Mr. Ashok on the way to the Sheraton, Belram’s thoughts about his master
-        Vitiligo lips recommends prosecution to Belram
-       Mr. Ashok sleeps with foreign woman
-       Go to a party at the ministers’- master and assistant had a couple of whiskeys in the car, the assistant is nearly forcing Ashok to get with a Ukraine girl
-       Belram keeps a strand of her golden hair, and still has it today on his desk

The sixth night
-       Belram and Vitiligo lips having a conversation, while masters are jogging (both holding their water)
-       Belram meets gold-hair prostitute of his master (cheating)
-       Belram gets screwed by the pimp and looses all his 7000 rs
-       The mongoose comes to have political and commercial consultancies with Mr Ashok
-       Belram planning on how to escape and tempted to steal Mr. Ashok’s bags
-       A bookseller teaches Belram a little bit about poetry and literature and tells him: You were looking for the key for years, but the door was always open.
-       Belram’s granny Kusum will send his cousin Dahram and threatens Belram to send money
-       Belram murders his master on the way to Sheraton,(“problem with the car”)
-       Last minute decision takes dahram with him

The seventh night
-       Belram on the way to Bangalore
-       In Hyderabad, noticed a wanted poster of him
-       Opens up his own company “White-Tiger-Driver” in Bangalore
-       Belram is dealing with illegal stuff
o   When boy gets run over by one of his drivers, the police lets it go
o   Belram feels bad, and brings cash to the family
-       I made it! I broke out of the coop!” Belram doesn’t regret killing his master, because this brought him out of the darkness into the light
o   I’ll say it was all worthwhile to know, just for a day, just for an hour, just for a minute, what it means not to be a servant.”