Monday, November 21, 2011

First Memory

It all started back in time, where memories began, revenge was her living and pain was a part of loving, all these emotion driven though rhetoric and put together in the poem "First Memories" by Louise GlΓΌck.

"For what I was"(V. 5). Being dissatisfied about herself, but not blaming her own. Revenge was he living. Partly of this idea leads back to the first line of the poem, when the narrator has been "wounded". As an outcome of being hurt the narrator wants "to revenge"(V.2). These emotions are rationalized through out the next verses three to five. The revenge is set against her father, but yet not for "what he was" (V.4), but - here is set a major break within a juxtaposition, which affects the whole idea and emphasizes the upcoming- the narrator searches revenge against her father for "what I [the narrator]was" (V.5) . THrough this, it breaks the rhythm and makes the audience think. Mainly the focus lys on emotion but is reasoned through rationality. 

Where does the pain come from? Going back to where remembrance started. Pain doesn't mean not being loved. The verses 5-8 begin "from the beginning of time" (V. 5),  within few words everything is linked back to memories, which ties to emotion and creates meaning within. In form of repetition this time period is specified as her "childhood" (V. 6), because beginning of time is childhood. It's the introduction to empathy on behalf of the audience. Again the narrator refers back to being "wounded" (V.1) through the word "pain" (V. 7), which she thought meant not being loved ( comp. V. 8). This is the first connection when love and pain are brought in context. 

Love is like a fairy tale, there are good and bad and doesn't always make up a Happy End. 

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