Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Outline- page 82/83

- before 
- now 
- after
Leading to main theme

Paragraph 1
scene setting- motif: the weather 

Paragraph 2 
Structure of the text- description and conservation
--> linking to what is happening right now in this passage

Paragraph 3
turning point- Gatsby discription: right before disappearance

Paragraph 4
in juxtaposition to description of Daisy --> motif: light

Paragraph 5
All Gatsby's impatience, uncertainty 
thinking she is not coming- Can't recapture the past? 
---> for nothing there she comes- of course you can!

Paragraph 6
tone of Daisy's voice : money 
chauffeur: rich but also link to car crash 

Paragraph 7
the rich are different: the way they talk, spend their they day
have too much money
"are you in love with me.. ?" 

Paragraph 8
daisy's richness in juxtaposition to Nick's bungalow, which she loves- some ironic 
"castle Rackrent" Nick talking ironically about his house - negative

Paragraph 9
enhancement of Gatsby's absence through syntax but also diction  

Paragraph 10 
Gatsby is back- in front of the door
description and simile 
- he's unconfident

Paragraph 11
Catharsis- through out the book extract 

 Paragraph 12
"glaring tragically" --> showing that all will end tragically between Gatsby and Daisy 
puddle of water - recapturing the past will to fail 

recapturing the past- Gatsby builds his whole life around
the rich are different 
referring to the syntax and diction which are made intentional of gatsby's present who is the one trying to recapture the past- without him there is no past to bring back 
-- most important stanza in the book--

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