Monday, June 4, 2012



What are the stories? How are they told? what sort of language is used?How many words in the headlines? What makes up the opening sentence? 
  • French election: "Au revoir, Austerity" 
    • 3 words,
    • using: 
      • euphemism ( au revoir), 
    • language
      • jargon: using foreign language 
      • sensational 
  • UK royalty: "The day William finally confronted 'the Rottweiler'"
    • 7 words, 
    • using 
      • name calling
    • language: 
      • informative 
      • came to a conclusion "finally"
  • UK clean up of litter: "PM backs Mail's royal spring clean" 
    • 6 words
    • using: 
      • testimonial ( royal) 
    • language: 
      • informative 

Then, using what you have found, consider what audience reads the paper you have selected.
  • reading age of 11-13 years
  • audience: 40 years- 65years
    • because it talked a lot about the royal family of the UK but also about politics

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