Saturday, December 3, 2011

4 act structure applied to film

Confession of a shopaholic

ACT 1:
-       Introduction of the main character
-       Her relationships to her friends
-       How she lives together with them in an apartment
à her ordinary world

ACT 2:
-       Introducing her problem of having no money
-       Getting pay remembrances
-       Conflicts with her best friend
-       Gets a job-falls in love with boss

ACT 3:
-       Rebecca ( main character) trying to solve her problem
-       Making up excuses by the bank for not paying her bills
-       Loses best friend-for giving away bridesmaids dress
-       Loses job- getting accused for not paying her bills
-       And she keeps on shopping

ACT 4:
-       comes to a resolution – SELLING EVERYTHING through an auction
-       sells her favorite thing –the green scarf
-       gets sold – lost everything and her love
-       final: her boss/love comes with the green scarf –everything is fine

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