Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Chapter 2- Quotes

pg. 27
'"We're getting off,' he insisted. 'I want you to meet my girl.'"
What will we do with ourselves this afternoon?
Tom has a plan to meet up with Myrtle and Nick, but not sure yet what next..

'I want to see you,' said Tom intently. 'Get on the next rain.'
I do not want what i already have :
Tom got Daisy but wants more - therefore has his mistress Myrtle

pg. 31
' Meanwhile Tom brought out a bottle of whisky from a locked bureau door.'
What will we do with ourselves this afternoon?
Tom gets the whisky to loosen everything up and get drunk, and let the afternoon pass by.

pg. 33
'With the influence of the dress her personality had also undergone a change.'
Haves vs Havenots
Even though Myrtle doesn't have the personality she wants , she tries to change is with emphasising it though her dress

pg. 35
'...,but Mr McKee only nodded in a bored way, and turned his attention to Tom.'
I do not want what I already have
Mr McKee already had his photography model, his wife, so why would he bother to take picture and focus on Myrtle when there are better conversations going on

'Neither of them can stand the person they are married to.'
I do not want what I already have
Both Tom and Myrtle both have affairs because they cant stand the person they are married too, and therefore dont want what they already have

pg. 36
'Said was not a Catholic, and I was a little shocked at the elaborateness of the lie.'
Haves and Havenots
Daisy lies to be Catholic so Tom wouldn't divorce her and she'd lose him, because she wants to have Tom but at the same time Gatsby falling for her

pg. 37
'Yet high over the city our line of yellow windows must have been contributed their share of human secrecy to the casual watcher in the darkening streets.. '
Can't live in the past? ... Of course you can!
Gatsby having his parties, to return back into the paaast- Reestablishing everything how it was with Daisy

pg. 38
'You can't live forever; you can't live forever.'
What do we do with ourselves this afternoon? Tomorrow ? and the next 30 years?
Myrtle talking about how she met Tom, and couldn't resist, especially because you only live once and not forever

pg. 39
'Daisy, Daisy! Daisy!..'
Haves and Havenots
Myrtle can't have Daisy's name in her mouth in Tom's opinion, since it would remind Tom that he still had his wife he is cheating on and actually loves

'"Beauty and the Beast...Loneliness...Old Grocery Horse...Brook'n Bridge..."'

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