Wednesday, March 7, 2012

PAGE 26/27


  • Intro
    • Where: at Steenwijk's house
    • Characters: Anton, Mother, Father, Germans
    • Motif: light 
    • structure
  • Body 1: 
    • Context : 
      • Before: normal life; children do homework, mother housewife, father worker and teacher of Peter
      • After: Anton gets taken away 
      • Now: right after the assault, when the Germans enter the house of the Steenwijk's
  • Body 2: 
    • Motif: light
        • germans help and advantage : flashlights
        • give the Germans power 
        • therefore in contrast to situation before 
  • Body 3: 
    • Contrast 
      • deadly silence - busyness 
      • Germans creating busyness: make feel special 
      • before everything calm- rather silent 
  • Body 4: 
    • Motif : light 
      • darkness : bad things happen 
      • connection: soldier and flashlights
    Body 5: 
    • Character Father:
      • head of family 
      • tries to keep control 
      • in juxtaposition with the following
  • Body 6: 
    • the Germans 
      • spreading horror 
      • creating worries
      • tearing apart 
  • Body 7: 
    • Anton: 
      • scared
      • thoughtful 
      • doubting 
      • caring 
      • thoughts running through his head
  • Body 8: 
    • Foreshadowing 
      • " Everything went at a terrible clip. "
        • comparison, change in paste 
  • Body 9: 
    • Overall structure 
      • short dialogue 
      • lots of description - detailed discription of what is happening ( listing) 
  • Body 10: 
    • syntax + diction 
  • Conclusion: 
    • summery 

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