Thursday, March 1, 2012


Advertisement- Précis
“Consumers need a rational excuse to justify their emotional decisions. So always include one,” David Ogilvy. Advertisement is constantly changing. Our society causes this transformation of persuasion, because our mind constantly changes therefore our way of thinking and perception. Adverts need to feed us with new ideas and concepts in order to reach us. The world of creativity is unlimited, are the minds of marketers?
Advertising always existed in some form. Already in the 1960’s it was in a state of research. The aim then used to be to raise awareness of a product or company and save the trademarking. Through this, there was an increase in consumer and the demand went up, but literally advertisements were just descriptions of products to publicize the existence. In order to save these brand marketing the trademarking was set to exclude copying. This moved to the next level-  image.
It’s all about the visuals. Not one company works with out it. The image is what counts and sells the product. Through the use of image the quality, function, heritage and satisfactory for resell of a product was transferred. All it had to be was recognizable. With the addition of some text to enhance the qualities of the product, mostly ecological language was used in order to reach the consumer. The establishment of communication between viewer and seller was very important to transform the image to the individuals. This was what made it the brand image.
Never the less was this enough. Studying the society and addressing specific targeted audience lead to the demographics. Specifying and analyzing a “consumer profile” lead to more success. The race, age, sex and wages are being taken into consideration and decisions have to made in form of what to go for. Research based on these factors should then be reflected on the audience’s psychology of the product rather than the product itself. The more details the more efficient the campaign. Most targeted audience is the babies and children, our future. Since they have the most valuable mental real estate and best to influence at early aged for a long-term resolution.
More efficient, detailed and specific, the psychology of the human being. When companies are trying to reach, they first need to know our wants and needs in order to attract our attention. Moving onwards form demographic profile to psychological profile, gives the firms a better understanding of our minds. Advertisement focuses a lot on pathos, the feelings, self-image and purchases of the consumer. Best way to sell the product to reflect ourselves in the ad in order to have us emotionally grabbed.
The same thing over and over again? Companies need to keep us entertained. Therefore there is a constant change in their concept. Using the perception of our world, which was created in our youth through fairytales, moral stories etc. is reflected back in ads to built up catharsis. How? Adding tension. But again, new technology came so did advertisements. Through the introduction of the remote control, no more laziness in switching channels existed, this set the relationship differently. The old tension rather scared people than attract. The way of persuasion had to change. The human beings already explored manipulation.
Irony, one another indirect insults, rebellion, being cool, winkwinks, jokes and changing habits, all this advertisement has gone through. Today, we focus on icons. Safe form the influence of authority. Just be. Universal icons with which everyone can associate one self. Or maybe the concept has changed this very last second again, because that is how our society works. Constantly changing.

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