Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Essay outline

Solidarity with the dispossessed or outcast can often provide writers with material that moves or provokes. In what ways have at least two writers you have studied used such situations? 

  • books: white tiger and the assault 
  • what is solidarity, outcast  
  • 2 solidarities in the book: the darkness through murder comes into the light, caught in the past, yet avoiding it 
Paragraph 1:
  • "In any jungle, what is the rarest of animals - the creature that comes along only once in a generation?' I though about it and said 'The white tiger."
  • Balram being an outcast- something special: through out the whole story
  • compared to Anton being stuck in the past, hardly moves on 
Paragraph 2: 
  • writing style: episodic both 
  • WT: important events in balram's life + 7 letters to premier 
    • always comes back to present, beginning end of each chapter - outcast 
  • A: important events in dutch history (5) 
    • learns more about the past by fate
Paragraph 3: 
  • through fate Anton come out of the tunnel of past to light
      • "Anton caught the following sentence: I shot him first in the back, then in the shoulder, and then in the stomach as I bicycled past him." (p.108)
  • through corruption Balram comes from the darkness into the light 
    • murder a man, and you feel responsible for his life...murder a man, and you feel responsible for his life (46)
Paragraph 4: 
  • WT: solidarity the darkness- breaking out of it
    • the rooster coop is guarded from inside ( 193) 
    • can a man break out of the rooster coop? .. it would, in fact, take a white tiger. you are listening to a story of a social entrepreneur, sir. (176-177) 
  • A: Solidarity normal life of family 
    • the assault brings Anton into the odds, life switches 
    • even though he tries to avoid it as much as possible, he get to know the whole story 
Paragraph 5:
  • WT: being in the darkness created catharsis within the reader's mind 
    • all of the sudden all lost through murder: provokes the reader 
    • but then it's all for good at the end, leaves an ethical problem: was is right or not ?
  • A: loss of family creates huge amount of catharsis 
    • but not wanting to find out what happened is provoking 
    • at the end it all comes to conclusion 
Paragraph 6: 
  • WT: I am a social entrepreneur"Please understand Your Excellency, that India is two countries in one: an India of light and an India of darkness.
  • A: deep inside the tunnel of past/ all because of some lizards
Paragraph 7: 
  • WT

  • part of group or individual: tension that provokes or moves 
  • WT: has shown what it takes to break of out the solidarity of the dark 
  • A: has shown that even with avoiding the past, eventually it will catch you

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