Thursday, May 10, 2012

Why is there still debate?

Video 1:

  • different opinions are the reason why there is still debate
    • lack of absolute uncertainty 
    • every statement in science: acknowledgment with an uncertainty --> very explicit 
  • controversy in good (firm's like it) 
    • other side created illusion to seem like both side are equal -NOT 
  • public opinion can be easily manipulated, because scientists complex it all and they don't notice where it comes from it 
    • "society knows now, that there is enough risk to be taken
    • "we are all seekers for the truth here" 
  • look at same evidence, come to different conclusions
    • climate change so interesting 

Video 2: 
  • resist conclusion because they are afraid of it 
  • scare tatics: fail criticism 
    • credibility is destroyed 
  • human brain responds to threats that are immediate, quick, visible and personal
  • no where to go to, the world is already flooded with people, if we face struggle
  • people ignore problems in hope it goes away, therefore they don't take action 
  • confirmation bias : 
    • more attention to evidence that support believe than evidence that's against the own belief
  • Political belief: what is physically real 
  • Example: both look out the same window 
    • republicans 
      • dark, rainy 
      • greater distaste of government than democrats 
      • when there is the believe or evidence that through human actions the global change is happening, republicans don't want to help, don't want to see it happen
    • democrats 
      • blue and shiny 

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