Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Stuff about the word COOL

Cool’ as a word in its present form and meaning appeared in Western mainstream culture back in the 1950s. But the real roots go way beyond these 60 years in the past. In Cool Rules Pountain and Robins claim that although cool is often linked to the US lifestyles and popular culture, we should not ignore it originates from Black Americans. Art historians found proof that the concept of ‘itutu’ was one of the three main pillars in religions of ancient West African Yoruba and Ibo civilizations of the 15th century. It meant gentleness of character, the ability to avoid fights and disputes, even generosity and grace.
Cool was also associated with physical beauty in this sacred culture but only in combination with character.

Coolness evolved from an original African virtue to passive resistance through shared attitude and style.

This underground atmosphere(drug society) was then transposed tothe edgy, gangster chic associations of the word ‘cool’.

Hollywood also saw potential in the concept of cool.

Cool’ was now an attitude of choice among youth instead of a defensive mechanism.

‘Cool’ switched from a passive to an active attitude.

At this time the advertising industry, the Madison Avenue engine behind consumer capitalism in the 1960s, understood that the cool ideology had a big sales potential. 

1970s' vanished, BUT their different haircuts, vocabulary, clothes and attitudes were just another way of expressing good old ‘coolness’

Again this is proof that since the 1960s ‘cool’ has belonged to consumption and marketing

What is seen as ‘cool’ changes over time, and varies over geographical locations and generations.

Source: http://www.howcoolbrandsstayhot.com/2011/02/18/the-history-of-cool/

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