Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Toast is good #2

Toast it whenever you want it. You start off your day with breakfast, continue with lunch and end it with dinner, but there’s no schedule for toast, have it before, after or in between a meal or as a meal. Toast can be consumed at all times of the day. When you are exhausted from sport, a toast afterwards can lighten up your day. Even when you come home from school and you’re starving just a grab a toast. Since it is quick and easy to make, it fits into any time of your day’s plan, there is no need of cooking skills or lots of time to make a tasty toast. Having it as lunch or/and breakfast due to its versatile of toppings the toast can change from being sweet to lusty; therefore it can be eaten early in the morning, at noon or late at night. Even when you are tiered, you can easily grab a toast, which will satisfy your hunger and accompany you warm and cozy in your stomach into your dreams. Any time you feel like it or need it, toast is variable and always ready to be eaten with the perfect matching topping.

With its golden crusty surface it is impossible to resist. Anything found in a grocery store makes it possible to top the golden surface of a toast; there is no limit in which ways you can eat your toast. Add on top what ever your heart desires, it is as versatile as you would have never thought. Nutella, cheese, fish, jelly, ham, salad, butter, chocolate, chili, peanut butter any thing and however. There is no other type of food, which gives us as the consumer such a wide variety of choice to create our own toast. You can mix, layer or just keep it simple as you wish. The tastes on the globe difference each other but yet it is eaten all over only with other toppings. The point being is that it still tastes good no matter what you add to toast. You can have it anyway you want it.

Hot or cold? Dark or light? The toast itself is also possible to modify to meet one’s expectations of a perfect toast. The sliced bread can be in every way you wish to be it. Either having a cold peanut butter and jelly sandwich because of lack of time or a nice hot roasted toast with melted butter can satisfy your hunger. For how long and in which way you toast you sliced piece of bread is a personal decision according to liking. People prefer having it longer in the toaster to get the dark crispy surface other prefer the slightly golden slice, simple as that they just get their toast out earlier. But then you can also decide wither to have it cold or hot, it all depends on the person, mood and time. Ones enjoy feeling the warmth of the toast dissolve in their mouths others prefer it quick and cold. Toast gives the human the opportunity to match it perfectly with its taste, which makes it irresistible.

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