Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Toast is good.

Toast eaten all over the world, how can that not be good? It all began with the invention of bread and moved on to sliced bread until the mid 20th century when the toaster was invented as well as the real good toast. With it's golden crusty surface it is impossible to resist. That's why toast can be eaten at all times of the day because it is so adorable. You start off your day with having a toast, quick and easy to make. But even when you are exhausted from sport, a toast afterwards can lighten up your day.  Not only then it is possible to eat the great invention of the toasted bread, as a snack in between fits perfectly. It's lightness doesn't make you tiered instead keeps you up since it supplies you with the needed energy. No matter what time it is, you can even be a talent-free cooker, there are no needs of skills to make a tasty toast. The variety of toppings can fit your mood and time of the day. No time to eat? The toast can make it possible on a busy day to satisfy your hunger, since the supplies needed to make it don't have to be more than one. The toast also has a great taste eaten cold, which would make it even faster to make. Toast is good, because it can be served at any time of the day in any form to match your situation and make your hunger go away. Even though all over the world tastes are different, because of its variety the perfect topping can be found,  hence it can be eaten between east and west at any time of day.

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