Monday, October 17, 2011

Global Warming

Big Idea: Habitat is shrinking

Audience: addressed to everyone, who claims not to care about global warming, because the ones who care don't need to be reminded

Attention: Referring to everyday life- business man-global warming? 
Interest: House shrinking, what happens next ? 
Desire: creating empathy- don't want to feel same 
Action: Bear crying for "help" in his small ice platform 
             Slogan: "When you feel it, it's already too late." 

-"already too late" pushes for immediate action
-"you" addresses viewer
-short--> good to remember

- like a clock: ticking 
- indicates the time is running out- so is the life of the polar bears

-self identifying through everyday life 
-metaphor: house shrinking-habitat of polar bear as well creates EMPATHY 
-repetition: everyday coming home - house gets smaller each day 
-irony: you least expect that your house gets smaller
-comparison/juxtaposition: feelings of the man; his house shrinking and polar bears feelings while habitat is becoming smaller

Thursday, October 13, 2011

SUV 97X- Born from jets(SAAB)

“Born from jets” already the slogan defines it all. The main idea of Saab’s concept is the heritage of their aircraft company, which makes their cars so special compared to others. Note the sub slogan,  “ an SUV with altitude” refers back to airplane, but also with the use of a metaphor of altitude showing the power, which the vehicle provides.

Big, energetic and powerful! The picture, this is what attracts attention. With the use of different methods gabbing the reader’s eye, it always leads back to the big idea. First the ambiance in which the car is placed, models an airplane hangar. This symbolizes the heritage. Most importantly is the car, its position in the whole ad accords to the rule of thirds. Not is the vehicle placed in the middle, or somewhere not directly noticeable rather spreading over the thirds. The photograph of the car has been taken in an angle, focusing on the front making it big and powerful, just like an aircraft. Another indicator of dynamic is the color, black the car and the whole setting is darkened. With adding a slight detail of having the wheel turned, gives the sign: Ready for take off!

Not just the picture gabs the attention and interest; also the heading below “An SUV with altitude” develops interest. With repetition of the A, altitude jumps into the eye, again aircraft is the linking. The layout of the text in white creates contrast to the black car; therefore it emerges out the ad and catching the interest to learn more about the SUV.

Going back to history. A short explanation of the development of the vehicle and its features develops desire. Again the engineering of aircraft is being put in the very front and how this advantages the SUV. It makes it to a car like no other. Saab and SUV had been repeated to reinsure the reader of their special technology resource.  “9-7X SUV”, “300hp Displacement” and not to forget “V8 engine” is hi-tech jargon to every normal person but makes the SUV sound more advanced and fancy. Besides that, does anyone know that SUV means sport utility vehicle?

Flying and driving- a combination of both! Using synthesis is the statement “After all, once you’ve built jets, you just don’t built another SUV”, declares that the SUV is not “just” an ordinary car, there’s a lot more behind it. The repetition of “you” directs it to the reader. Also the juxtaposition used relates it back to its originality.

Enjoy your flight! With the enclosing imperative sentence it moves the readers to action. As always being the major background and reference the heritage of aircraft engineering. The starting at price is given to get action going, maybe to develop thoughts of the consumers, how to afford this automobile. Therefore the audience would be teenagers with license and above. To actually get them to see the advertisement it would be printed into a magazine. Its appearance would be at the right side; since the logo is positioned in the top right corner otherwise the company’s name would disappear in the middle. All necessary information is rather placed at the right half of the ad. Through emphasis, juxtaposition, repetition, hyperbole, jargon and picture the car is represented in its most efficient way to pass the message to its readers.

Monday, October 10, 2011


Overall. I must say it seemed easy at the beginning, but once you got into the topic, I started to struggle. Wither it was cool or not was hard to identify. Tattoos started decades and decades back, which made it even harder to even tell where to start. Since the key idea was COOL, I needed to tell where it came from in order to say where the coolness came from. A part from that, it was hard to say when tattoo was cool and not, except for one period of time. Therefore it was hard to stay on track saying when it was cool or uncool.

Everywhere and all the time. Since tattoos is seen any time, trying to find out special circumstances, which made it cool, was hard. Tattoo I something controversial. Not everyone likes it, but some want it. I think since it’s a brought topic, I didn’t do too bad grapping out the highlights of tattoo’s history.  There might have been better ideas I could have taken.  Thinking back, when I started writing my first two paragraphs I struggles with those, because they didn’t relate to cool in a direct way but still made it cool or as in the second one uncool. Especially the first one I could have gone further into it and defined how cool is visible there. As I wrote the essay I more understood the concept of it, and what was asked. But then I also slightly drifted of in the conclusion, by writing if it is worst getting a tattoo done. If I were to redo this essay I would choose a more explicit topic, such as a product or person.

As time flows by. The organization of this essay is in general ok.  I organized my essay by the time line, but linking the different paragraphs made it hard. Starting off with how tattoos were found and became popular and having the last body paragraph being how they are being removed, probably weren’t the strongest arguments. This is not how it supposed to be; the strongest goes at the end, but on the other hand that’s how tattoos are seen to stay and what their position of cool they are today. 

The paragraphs itself. I followed the structure, how to write an effective one, but the media sample confused there a little. Either being a hook or an example, or parts of an explanation jumbled up the whole concept. But as much as I could and wanted, I followed the formatting. 

For being my first official big paper after years, I could be happy with it, but still I am not satisfied. It still needs lots of improvement, especially in language, spelling and grammar. The media pieces I used are in general matching with the paragraphs, but then others I could have taken more extreme ones showing tattoos in their way of cool, but finding the right ones was not as easy as I thought it would be. They were supposed to be catchy and most of them fulfilled their mission. Tattoos can be presented in many, many ways and therefore the variety of media pieces was big, but not showing explicit what made it cool. Having taken more time to research about the history of tattoo, the essay would have been better.  There is no such thing as explicit advertising of tattoos to have taken as a media piece and explaining how this made it cool. It is always shown in implicit ways and given to the audience, an other factor which made it difficult to highlight the coolness of tattoos.
It’s hard to say how great the essay is, but I would say that I fairly gave my best to write this essay. As my English vocabulary gets bigger and more experience, the essays will improve.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


  • Attracts attention - the picture! 
- Contrast to how a closet usually looks like
- Zoom ins give a more detailed view
  • Develops interest - Statement 
- Irony
-find out - creates a lot of interest
contrast to picture
  • Develop desire- small text below
  • Move to attention- Plan your PAX:
- invites costumers to buy it

Sunday, October 2, 2011


The coolness of tattoo 

Is this what you want? A lifelong piece of art pushed into your skin, any way you want it. Tattoos had their highs and downs of coolness. Their story began years and years ago their use is versatile but no the safest way to have a memory all time with you. Going by timeline we must start before Christ. 

It's nothing new. Even in 3300 BCE people wore tattoos, though the today's meaning and use has differentiated. Tattoos have already started their career millenniums ago. 1991 the world’s oldest mummy was found by hikers- Özil the iceman. What no one would have expected, he had 57 designs tattooed.

 It is believed that they were used for therapeutic reason.
It's not just a creation of the last years; tattoos have been present since about 5000 years. Later they were there to mark themselves indelibly according to their character and interests. But not only were they used back then to mark themselves, they had a special function in WW2.

140603. Not a date of birth. Not an anniversary date. Not a favorite number. But an identification number. Tattoos have multiple functions. Not only are they there to tattoo an identity piece of choice onto your skin, but also in
WW2 the victims of the concentration camp in Auschwitz got serial numbers tattooed. By this progress it was easier to keep track of the people since there was such a large number. Even though this was a brutal time, the tattoo had a function and its permanency is another factor to make those times memorable. Tattoos are not just for fun, they learn and teach for the future. This period of history made the tattoo uncool and even ten years after the end of WW2.

H-A-T-E, L-O-V-E! This has increase a little bit the popularity of tattoos. First time tattoos have been cool again after decades.
The movie ‘The knight of the hunter’ with Robert Michtum playing a sociopathic traveling preacher having ‘love’ and ‘hate’ inked onto his knuckles raised the popularity. Other modern stylish wanted variants were rock/roll and love/math. The right hand was the hand of love, therefore was the left the hand of hate. Just a movie had that much influence in people to change their view of tattoos. 

Skin color turning yellow?! A new study had limited the number of tattoos made drastically. There is a slight chance of getting a disease when having a tattoo done. American scientists have researched the link between diseases and tattoos. If the artist is not safe enough, there is the possibility of getting hepatitis B or C or even HIV. The reason is the needle, which gets in contact with the blood every time it is injected. When it is not isolated or has been applied on another costumer, you are exposed to any microbes of that person. Tattoos were not cool enough to have people still want it. Shocking facts always alarm people at the beginning, but mostly don’t last long. 

Back to cool. The 70’s, 80’s and mostly 90’s has brought the tattoo its coolness back. The new style: the tattoo. It was now fashionable again to have tattoos. Developed by small groups to create a distinctive style to identify their group with their generation.  To separate from the mainstream society, many of the youth decided to overtake the punk style look. In the 1970’s with tattoos and piercings they brought a shocking effect into the community, there it was-cool. In the 80’s and 90’s tattoos became mainstream for all. Their symbolic were the anger and rebelliousness. Up until 2005 the popularity has increased and many have adopted the style introduced by punks in a different way. Teens would get anything done just for fun and because it was cool.

Twinkle, twinkle little star! One of the most famous designs is the star. There is no limit to tattoos, the craziest tattoos their uniqueness, makes the tattoo what it is- cool. The simplest design, the star, is one of the most wanted.Celebrities like Rihanna and Viktoria Beckham bring to the market and sell it as cool. Therefore their fans especially teens follow their idol and make the star on of the most wanted tattoos. But other stars have lots of creative ideas with their designs and then there are other people who take the tattoo world unlimited. They are hard men and women and wouldn’t mind getting it done in their sleep after their 89th time.

Video goes with paragraph below.
It makes woman and even hard man cry. No one would choose to have a tattoo made just for fun, considering the pain. But pumping color underneath your skin, whether it cost pain and tears, the artistic work of tattoo is wanted. Most people already resist to have a tattoo just because of the pain caused when getting it done. Yet a large number takes it in consideration, often not only once and be part of the tattooed community, to make them look cool. It strengthens the cool personality of the person and makes the tattoo look cool. The result should be what wanted to have all the pain worth it.

Goes with paragraph below.

Mistakes happen. No one is perfect; also tattooists can mess up in their job.
The great invention of laser has made it possible to remove tattoos, but it causes a lot of pain again and costs a lot of money. There are other methods too, but this one is the most popular and efficient one.When choosing to have a tattoo done, there is always the chance that the artist makes mistakes. Not only this might be reason to have a tattoo removed, others such as the tattoos now being regretted from the teenage-years. Especially today it is popular in the 40-year-old generation to have the tattoo form the 90’s removed, since mostly they don’t identify themselves with them anymore or never have.

Tattoo or no tattoo? That is the question. There is a lot you have to take into consideration before and when having a tattoo done. It’s not an easy decision to make, when the mind is split. As has been said, today tattoo are more likely to be removed than being made. Which leads to the point that their coolness right now is not at its top rate. Yet the instinctive value of a tattoo of the holder is high. Again adding on the fact of the pain when its made and removed. Leading back to the 60’s, why make a choice, which can possibly interfere with your health negatively?