Monday, October 10, 2011


Overall. I must say it seemed easy at the beginning, but once you got into the topic, I started to struggle. Wither it was cool or not was hard to identify. Tattoos started decades and decades back, which made it even harder to even tell where to start. Since the key idea was COOL, I needed to tell where it came from in order to say where the coolness came from. A part from that, it was hard to say when tattoo was cool and not, except for one period of time. Therefore it was hard to stay on track saying when it was cool or uncool.

Everywhere and all the time. Since tattoos is seen any time, trying to find out special circumstances, which made it cool, was hard. Tattoo I something controversial. Not everyone likes it, but some want it. I think since it’s a brought topic, I didn’t do too bad grapping out the highlights of tattoo’s history.  There might have been better ideas I could have taken.  Thinking back, when I started writing my first two paragraphs I struggles with those, because they didn’t relate to cool in a direct way but still made it cool or as in the second one uncool. Especially the first one I could have gone further into it and defined how cool is visible there. As I wrote the essay I more understood the concept of it, and what was asked. But then I also slightly drifted of in the conclusion, by writing if it is worst getting a tattoo done. If I were to redo this essay I would choose a more explicit topic, such as a product or person.

As time flows by. The organization of this essay is in general ok.  I organized my essay by the time line, but linking the different paragraphs made it hard. Starting off with how tattoos were found and became popular and having the last body paragraph being how they are being removed, probably weren’t the strongest arguments. This is not how it supposed to be; the strongest goes at the end, but on the other hand that’s how tattoos are seen to stay and what their position of cool they are today. 

The paragraphs itself. I followed the structure, how to write an effective one, but the media sample confused there a little. Either being a hook or an example, or parts of an explanation jumbled up the whole concept. But as much as I could and wanted, I followed the formatting. 

For being my first official big paper after years, I could be happy with it, but still I am not satisfied. It still needs lots of improvement, especially in language, spelling and grammar. The media pieces I used are in general matching with the paragraphs, but then others I could have taken more extreme ones showing tattoos in their way of cool, but finding the right ones was not as easy as I thought it would be. They were supposed to be catchy and most of them fulfilled their mission. Tattoos can be presented in many, many ways and therefore the variety of media pieces was big, but not showing explicit what made it cool. Having taken more time to research about the history of tattoo, the essay would have been better.  There is no such thing as explicit advertising of tattoos to have taken as a media piece and explaining how this made it cool. It is always shown in implicit ways and given to the audience, an other factor which made it difficult to highlight the coolness of tattoos.
It’s hard to say how great the essay is, but I would say that I fairly gave my best to write this essay. As my English vocabulary gets bigger and more experience, the essays will improve.

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