Thursday, October 13, 2011

SUV 97X- Born from jets(SAAB)

“Born from jets” already the slogan defines it all. The main idea of Saab’s concept is the heritage of their aircraft company, which makes their cars so special compared to others. Note the sub slogan,  “ an SUV with altitude” refers back to airplane, but also with the use of a metaphor of altitude showing the power, which the vehicle provides.

Big, energetic and powerful! The picture, this is what attracts attention. With the use of different methods gabbing the reader’s eye, it always leads back to the big idea. First the ambiance in which the car is placed, models an airplane hangar. This symbolizes the heritage. Most importantly is the car, its position in the whole ad accords to the rule of thirds. Not is the vehicle placed in the middle, or somewhere not directly noticeable rather spreading over the thirds. The photograph of the car has been taken in an angle, focusing on the front making it big and powerful, just like an aircraft. Another indicator of dynamic is the color, black the car and the whole setting is darkened. With adding a slight detail of having the wheel turned, gives the sign: Ready for take off!

Not just the picture gabs the attention and interest; also the heading below “An SUV with altitude” develops interest. With repetition of the A, altitude jumps into the eye, again aircraft is the linking. The layout of the text in white creates contrast to the black car; therefore it emerges out the ad and catching the interest to learn more about the SUV.

Going back to history. A short explanation of the development of the vehicle and its features develops desire. Again the engineering of aircraft is being put in the very front and how this advantages the SUV. It makes it to a car like no other. Saab and SUV had been repeated to reinsure the reader of their special technology resource.  “9-7X SUV”, “300hp Displacement” and not to forget “V8 engine” is hi-tech jargon to every normal person but makes the SUV sound more advanced and fancy. Besides that, does anyone know that SUV means sport utility vehicle?

Flying and driving- a combination of both! Using synthesis is the statement “After all, once you’ve built jets, you just don’t built another SUV”, declares that the SUV is not “just” an ordinary car, there’s a lot more behind it. The repetition of “you” directs it to the reader. Also the juxtaposition used relates it back to its originality.

Enjoy your flight! With the enclosing imperative sentence it moves the readers to action. As always being the major background and reference the heritage of aircraft engineering. The starting at price is given to get action going, maybe to develop thoughts of the consumers, how to afford this automobile. Therefore the audience would be teenagers with license and above. To actually get them to see the advertisement it would be printed into a magazine. Its appearance would be at the right side; since the logo is positioned in the top right corner otherwise the company’s name would disappear in the middle. All necessary information is rather placed at the right half of the ad. Through emphasis, juxtaposition, repetition, hyperbole, jargon and picture the car is represented in its most efficient way to pass the message to its readers.

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