Monday, October 17, 2011

Global Warming

Big Idea: Habitat is shrinking

Audience: addressed to everyone, who claims not to care about global warming, because the ones who care don't need to be reminded

Attention: Referring to everyday life- business man-global warming? 
Interest: House shrinking, what happens next ? 
Desire: creating empathy- don't want to feel same 
Action: Bear crying for "help" in his small ice platform 
             Slogan: "When you feel it, it's already too late." 

-"already too late" pushes for immediate action
-"you" addresses viewer
-short--> good to remember

- like a clock: ticking 
- indicates the time is running out- so is the life of the polar bears

-self identifying through everyday life 
-metaphor: house shrinking-habitat of polar bear as well creates EMPATHY 
-repetition: everyday coming home - house gets smaller each day 
-irony: you least expect that your house gets smaller
-comparison/juxtaposition: feelings of the man; his house shrinking and polar bears feelings while habitat is becoming smaller

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